Grace's Story
At 18 weeks pregnant, Meredith and Brian discovered their daughter Grace would be born with Down Syndrome and a congenital heart defect. However, with uncertainty of Grace’s needs and an emphasis on education, Grace’s parents looked to experts at Ability KC.
Grace started at the Ability KC therapeutic preschool when she was one year old. Because Grace’s mother is a former early education teacher her parents were committed to finding a preschool that would help Grace learn and grow academically and developmentally. The therapies Grace would have access to and the integration of typically developing peers in the classroom appealed to her parents. “To feel the support and genuine interest and love from the staff here, you certainly have the feeling that you’re not going into it alone,” said Grace’s dad Brian.
Today, Grace is making tremendous progress on her goals. She receives occupational, speech and physical therapies. Through her therapy Grace has learned to walk much earlier than other children with her diagnosis. She has taken off with her social skills. She also loves using her assistive technology communication device to communicate with her friends and family. Grace is able to put multiple words together to convey her feelings, needs and emotions. Grace’s favorite phrase to say with her iPad is “I did it”. She has a best friend and enjoys playing with the other children in her classroom. She is eager to learn and reach new milestones as she prepares for Kindergarten.
A Better Tomorrow Starts Here
Please feel free to reach out to our team regarding any questions or comments you may have.