Be a Champion of Brighter Futures

You can support Kansas City children with disabilities through our “Thriving With Therapy” partnership with KMBC 9 Cares For Kids!

Because of you, we’re able to offer more therapy sessions to children and adolescents living with a disability and/or recovering from a serious illness or critical injury like stroke or traumatic brain injury. Many of the children and families we serve cannot afford or have insurance to cover all the life-changing therapy they need to meet their goals and gain independence. With your help, we’re able to help more children in need.

To donate, please complete the form below.

Ability KC’s mission is over 75 years strong—building brighter futures for thousands of children and adults with disabilities in our community. At Ability KC, we help children of all ages and at all stages, through outpatient therapy sessions and in the classrooms at our Mary Shaw Branton Therapeutic preschool. Your donation makes a difference!

Thanks for supporting Ability KC's KMBC 9 Cares For Kids Campaign!

Your support is essential to ensure financial assistance is available for children in need, and that our programming innovation, technologies, campus, and facilities match the high quality and dignity of care being provided.

We invite you to join us in learning more, through conversations, and in supporting a more diverse, inclusive, and accessible community. See below for ways to support Ability KC and donate today!

two children in play car on playground

Mail Your Donation

Checks made out to Ability KC may be mailed to:

Ability KC
Attn: Development
3011 Baltimore Ave
Kansas City, MO 64108

Ability KC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible. If you have questions about making a gift, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.