Stroke Rehabilitation in Kansas City

Stroke Recovery

Build Your Plan

Stroke Rehabilitation Services at Ability KC

Build Your Plan

Stroke rehabilitation doesn’t end when a patient leaves inpatient hospital care. With the outpatient day program at Ability KC, our highly trained staff provides intensive, individualized therapy services that allow individuals to successfully transition from inpatient care to home. By combining personalized care and advanced technology, we help give children, adolescents, and adult stroke survivors a chance to reach their full potential.

Our Capabilities

What You Can Expect

Our Approach

Ability KC takes an integrated approach to our care services and stroke rehabilitation in Kansas City.

Our team will work with individuals to develop a care plan that can include intensive outpatient rehabilitation services, goal-based group therapies, and interest-based resources.

Our Approach

Therapist with green ABKC shirt with Brain Injury patient
Therapist with little boy in pool smiling
zoomed in shot of people using bikes in Adult gym
Shot of full Med Rehab adult gym/shot of facility
patient in pink shirt playing game in group therapy
“When the need is great, the ideas need to be greater” quote on wall in peds gym
Dr. Kolessar (neuropsychologist) smiling/talking with patient

A Brighter Future Starts Here

Start your journey with Ability KC by using our online “Build Your Plan” tool, or feel free to reach out to our team regarding any questions or comments you may have.

little boy with teacher

Benefits of Stroke Rehabilitation in Kansas City

Advanced Technology

Ability KC therapists are trained with Interactive Metronome, EKSO Exoskeleton System, Vital Stimulation, Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Cycles, and Bioness H200. No other outpatient rehabilitation program in the Midwest can match our team’s care technology.

Treatments For All Ages

Nowhere else in the region offers the ability to provide outpatient rehabilitative services for patients ranging from preschool to senior age.

Sharif with Driving Instructor in adaptive van

Personalized Treatments

We strive to provide all patients with educational and treatment environments that are completely tailored to individual client needs throughout their continuum of care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn More About Ability KC

With a rich history that spans over 75 years, Ability KC has provided services that have helped change and shape the lives of thousands.

Our organization is proud to serve over 3,000 individuals with disabilities and their families annually, and we’ll continue to work tirelessly to help the members of our community reach their greatest potential.

Our History

Therapist Alison smiling at adult med rehab patient
patient picking up colorful blocks