What Makes Ability KC Unique


Card Heading

Nowhere else in the region offers the ability to provide outpatient rehabilitative services for patients ranging from preschool to senior age.

stretching foot on ball

Card Heading

Nowhere else in the region offers the ability to provide outpatient rehabilitative services for patients ranging from preschool to senior age.

stretching foot on ball

Card Heading

Nowhere else in the region offers the ability to provide outpatient rehabilitative services for patients ranging from preschool to senior age.

Triple Card

Three cards displayed in a v formation.

Additional Details:

  • Option for intro section.
  • Top half of component is sky.
  • Card has an image, heading and wysiwyg section.
Label Name Type Notes
Intro Content triple_card_intro_content wysiwyg
Cards triple_card_cards repeater Repeater with image, heading and content fields